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  • 福井県外国人支援センター

About divorce of foreigners living in Japan①

It is said that one out of every three foreign residents is divorced.

If it becomes difficult to continue the marriage with a Japanese person, a divorce procedure is required.

First of all, those who have the status of residence of "Spouse or Child of Japanese National", "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" and "Dependent" are required to notify the Immigration Bureau within two weeks after the divorce is completed.

Persons with a status of residence of "Spouse or Child of Japanese National" or "Spouse or Child of Permanent Resident" have a minor child (Japanese) who needs to be dependent, or have passed a certain period (3 years or more).

If you still have a certain amount of income, you can change to "Long-Term Resident".

However, in the case of "Dependent", the status of residence will be revoked if more than 3 months have passed after the divorce, so if you cannot obtain a new work status by then, you will not be able to stay in Japan.

Next, let's think about the procedure and flow of divorce.

First, each other discusses divorce.

It would be nice if the divorce was successful, but if not, we would offer mediation in the family court.

If the discussion by the mediator is unsuccessful, it will be tried in the family court.

If there are children in need of support, their custody will be determined by the judge in the case of a court case, and the rest will be determined by mutual consultation.

In the case of a consultation divorce, all you need to do is prepare a divorce agreement.

In the contents of the agreement, enter the division of property, the amount of damages such as consolation fee in case of unfaithfulness, custody, payment of child support, number of visits, etc.

Recently, the number of cases where child support payments are not paid as planned is increasing, so it is better to describe what to do if payment is delayed.

We strictly adhere to the confidentiality of information that we have learned in the course of our duties, so please feel free to contact us without hesitation.


Our organization supports foreigners who have troubles in their daily lives in Fukui Prefecture.

If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.




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