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  • 福井県外国人支援センター

About divorce of foreigners living in Japan②

When a foreigner residing in Japan divorces a Japanese person, it is natural to consider what kind of qualifications he / she can stay in after the divorce.

However, long-term married couples have the right to share their accumulated property over a long period of marital life.

For example, if a foreign woman has no income and only the income of her Japanese husband, she has the right to claim a share of the property formed after her marriage.

To put it simply, she can claim a share of the property that your husband has accumulated since he got married.

Foreign residents often tend to consider only the status of residence.

However, it is possible and necessary to discuss property sharing and child support (if you have minor children).

This is also a natural right.

If you are a foreign resident and are considering divorce, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Our organization supports foreigners who have troubles in their daily lives in Fukui Prefecture.

If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us.




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